
Computing/958 As A Form 6 Elective Subject (Jit Sin Student)

Jit Sin Computing (Form 6)

Starting from 2009, a new elective subject known as Computing/958 will be offered as an elective subject to Lower 6 students.

This subject is not new to the school. It was first offered in the year 2001 and 2002. 80% of those who took the subject obtained grade A in 2002 STPM examination. The subject was not offered from 2003 onwards because of the lack of response from students.

This subject is to be reintroduced in 2008. There is quite a sizable number of Lower 6 students who wish to take up the subject.  However, there was no reply from the state education department on the application from the school. As such it is not introduced this year.

Eventually, the green light from Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia, MPM came at the end of November 2008.  Hence the subject will be offered to all students who wish to take up the subject as an extra elective subject. Those students who took ICT subject at SPM level in 2008 are encouraged to apply as the two subjects are closely related.

The subject conducted by Mr Tor Peng Chiang (till May 2011). Now this subject conducted by me.

The scored for STPM 2010 : ALL A's

The following is the synopsis of the subject:

1. Information and Communication Technology (Lower 6)
1.1 Development of Information Technology
1.2 Computer Technology
1.3 Communication Technology
1.4 Information Technology Applications
1.5 Security and Privacy
1.6 Information Technology Ethics and Issues

2. Information System Development  (Lower 6)
2.1 Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design
2.2 Planning Phase
2.3 Analysis Phase
2.4 Design Phase
2.5 Implementation Phase
2.6 Maintenance Phase
2.7 Introduction to Databases
2.8 Basic Concept of Database
2.9 Planning and Design of Database System
2.10 Query Language
2.11 Implementation of Database Application System

3. Multimedia  (Upper 6)
3.1 Multimedia Evolution
3.2 Multimedia Technology
3.3 Multimedia Page
3.4 Multimedia in Network
3.5 Multimedia Development

4. Programming   (Upper 6)
4.1 Steps of Problem Solving
4.2 Algorithm Construction
4.3 Standard Algorithms
4.4 Basic Data Types
4.5 Evolution of Programming Languages
4.6 Programming Concepts of C Language
4.7 Declaration
4.8 Operators
4.9 C Language Statements
4.10 Functions
4.11 Data Structure Statements
4.12 File Operation of Type ASClI/Text
4.13 Problem Solving with C Language

Those who wish to know more on the subject may visit the MPM web site at:

