
Chapter 1.2

1. Information and Communication Technology    (40 theory periods)   

 1.2  Computer Technology  (12 theory periods)
 1.2.1  Data representation 
(a)  understand binary, octal, and hexadecimal systems; 
(b)  express numbers in binary, octal, and hexadecimal; 
(c)  explain methods of data representation in the computer; 
(d)  explain bit, byte, and word; 
(e)  explain the use of codes such as ASCII, BCD, EBCDIC, and Unicode to represent a character set; 

1.2.2  Computer system components 
(f) draw the block diagram of the components of a computer;
(g)  explain the function of each component of a computer system and the relationship between one component and another; 

 1.2.3  Central processing unit and memory 
(h)  understand the functions of the central processing unit (CPU) components: control unit, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), register, and bus; 
 (i)  explain the machine cycle; 

 1.2.4  Secondary storage 
(j)  explain the function of memory; 
 (k)  distinguish the types of memory, eg RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EAROM, SRAM, DRAM, and SDRAM; 
 (l)  distinguish between secondary storage and memory (primary storage);
 (m)  describe the advantages of secondary storage compared to memory; 
 (n)  describe the types of secondary storage, eg diskette, hard disk, optical disk (CD-ROM,    CD-I, CD-R, CD-RW, and DVD-ROM), and magnetic tape; 

1.2.5  Input/output devices 
(o)  explain the types and functions of input devices, eg keyboard, mouse, light pen, joystick,   track ball, scanner, touch screen, digital camera, microphone, character reader (MICR,   OMR, OCR), and smart card; 
 (p)  explain the types and functions of output devices, eg screen, loudspeaker, printer, and   plotter; 
 (q)  distinguish the functions of input/output devices; 

 1.2.6  Operating systems 
(r)  explain the functions of operating systems: resource allocation, resource scheduling, memory management, input/output control, interrupt operation, file management, and interface; 
 (s)  recognise the brands of operating systems, eg Windows, MS-DOS, Mac OS, Unix, Linux,   and OS/2, and recognise the computer platform on which the operating system can be   run. 

